2023 Congress of Committees
Alcide Guzman

2023 Congress of Committees


NESPA welcomed over 60 volunteer leaders to our headquarters in Hamilton, New Jersey, for the 21st Annual Congress of Committees. We were excited to have over a dozen first-time attendees who shared their expertise and talents as we made plans for the year ahead.

For over two decades, we've gathered to review the past year's successes and challenges and to set strategic goals for the year ahead. We also recognize volunteers for their years of service and celebrate the strength of our organization.

Whether you're a long-term volunteer or ready to volunteer for the first time, there's a way for you to get involved in NESPA. We are actively recruiting volunteers to help make the 2024 Pool & Spa Show a success again this year.

Reach out to our membership team and see how you can help our association and industry. Build your industry involvement today and help NESPA better serve our members.

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